Reasonable Compensation for S Corps
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Central
Course Registration
Member: $89.00
Non-Member: $109.00
2 Credits
Event Type(s)
Event Description
Between 2010 and 2020 a parade of Court Cases, IRS Factsheets, Job Aids and Internal Memos, plus Heightened IRS scrutiny and Preparer Penalties has brought the issue of 'Reasonable Compensation for S Corp's out of the shadows and placed it forefront as a priority issue for CPA's, EA's, Tax and Financial advisors to cover with their clients. We will explore key court cases, IRS guidelines, preparer penalties and some of the obscure tools the IRS has put in place. We debunk common myths and fiction on how reasonable compensation should be calculated and replace it with facts and methodologies that the IRS relies on. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

After attending this presentation you will be able to...
Identify the basic advantages of Distributions V. Salary/Wages
Assess the consequences of an IRS re-characterization of distributions
Review Reasonable Compensation in the courts
Select the IRS guidelines for determining Reasonable Compensation
Determine when Reasonable Compensation applies to your client
Illustrate advanced scenarios
Examine Tips from the pros and IRS Red Flags
Study why Reasonable Compensation has become a priority for the SB/SE division of the IRS
Identify options for determining Reasonable Compensation

Paul Hamann

Fields of Study:

Major Topics:

The major topics that will be covered in this course include:

  • Explain the payroll tax advantage of taking distributions over wages
  • Review key court cases that shape todays reasonable compensation landscape
  • How to use court factors to stress test reasonable compensation
  • Best practices for determining reasonable compensation
  • Review of the IRS’s enforcement on reasonable compensation; past, present and future
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