8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Central
After attending this subscription, you will be able to...
Recognize common red flags of workplace fraud
Understand how to prepare for a fraud investigation
Identify common asset misappropriation schemes and their red flags
Use data analysis technique to identify areas of potential fraud
Apply forensic accounting procedures to financial data
Write an effective report on the results of a fraud investigation
Respond to a motion in limine or Daubert challenge
Know how to testify effectively at deposition and trial
Tracy L. Coenen, CPA, CFF
Fields of Study:
Major Topics:
The major topics that will be covered in this course include:
Course 1: Becoming a Fraud Investigator
CPE: 2
Description: This course helps the forensic accountant prepare to perform a fraud investigation. We discuss occupational fraud schemes and their characteristics and how to spot a fraud in progress. You will learn the skills a fraud investigator needs for successful investigations, as well as how to plan and prepare for a fraud investigation.
Course 2: Starting a Fraud Investigation
CPE: 2
Description: In this session we focus on the early stages of a fraud investigation, including: who should be on the team, how to create an investigation plan, and the evidence that should be acquired and evaluated. Investigative techniques involving a variety of different sources will be covered, including financial document analysis, background checks, data analysis, and interviewing.
Course 3: How-To Guide to Fraud Investigations
CPE: 2
Description: Learn how to investigate an asset misappropriate scheme. We will dig into asset misappropriation by learning some of the most common schemes and red flags. Learn data analysis techniques used in the early stages of a fraud investigation. You will be guided through a detailed case study to see forensic accounting techniques in action.
Course 4: Reporting the Results of a Fraud Investigation
CPE: 2
Description: This course focuses on concluding a fraud examination and participating in court activity. You will learn how to draft an effective written report on a fraud investigation, including exhibits and visual aids that will help make your case. We will discuss common questions asked of financial experts and techniques for successfully testifying at deposition and trial.