Awesome Business Lessons from the Past: Learn from the Best!
11:00 AM - 12:46 PM Central
11:00 AM - 12:46 PM Central
Course Registration
2 Credits
Event Type(s)
Event Description
Why not learn, or re-learn, some amazing business lessons from the past that are still effective today? What did Henry Ford do when annual employee turnover was 370% and workers demanded more pay? Sound familiar to today’s world? Ford’s solution worked! We see today’s problems and believe that these problems have never occurred before. Not true. We will discuss timeless business lessons that are as practical today as when they were written decades ago. We will review; ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People,’ ‘Today and Tomorrow,’ and ‘The Art of War.’ Let's learn from the very best, as these lessons have been battle-tested and proven over time.
Don Minges, MBA
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