The Hardest Ethical Dilemma! Why Revenge Will Always Backfire, featuring Bob Mims and Don Minges
12:00 PM - 1:06 PM Central
Course Registration
Member: $39.00
Non-Member: $59.00
1 Credits
Event Type(s)
Event Description

We believe in fairness. When others do wrong, and their action hurts us - the natural reaction is to fight back and seek retribution. Simple human nature and we are all human. We want fairness and want to fight back, but this is one of the toughest ethical dilemmas we all face.  What should we do and what we do are not always the same. What if being nice, or specifically being a positive best version of yourself, makes you a more effective leader?   Ethical leadership is effective leadership.  That’s what Dr. Cohen, noted psychologist, transformational speaker, executive coach, and author of Be The Sun, Not The Salt, has been teaching organizations to do for years. Dr. Cohen’s work is based on scientific studies of human behavior broken down into simple, easily digestible pillars structured around the Heliotropic Effect.  In this webcast we will discuss Dr. Cohen’s path to this work, what the Heliotropic Effect is, and how Be The Sun, Not The Salt is the perfect reminder to Do More of That every day.

Don Minges, MBA
Bob Mims, CPA
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