Controls to Secure a Growing Digital Footprint
6/21/2024 - 12/31/2034
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Course Registration
4 Credits
Event Type(s)
Anytime CPE
Event Description
The amount of electronic content that business organizations contend with is growing at incredible rates. Terms like "Big Data" and "Information Overload", are being used by overwhelmed information workers on a daily basis. Additionally, because of the move to a much larger telecommuter footprint, electronic data is now even more prevalently utilized. This session discusses the places that businesses keep digital information and addresses the importance of securing corporate electronic data. The material effectively shows ways to achieve high security standards for content stored in fixed locations, on mobile devices and in the cloud. Participants in this session will gain an understanding of the concepts needed to improve the way they, and their companies secure digital information.
Identify some of the security risks that affect electronic information
Select cloud storage providers by employing vetting process
Recognize the steps to effectively set up and control cloud storage
Recall ways to add security to individual electronic documents as well as to storage areas that must be controlled
Karl Egnatoff
Fields of Study:
Identify some of the security risks that affect electronic information
Select cloud storage providers by employing vetting process
Recognize the steps to effectively set up and control cloud storage
Recall ways to add security to individual electronic documents as well as to storage areas that must be controlled
Karl Egnatoff
Fields of Study:
Anytime CPE
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