K2's Optimizing Your Tech Stack For Efficiency And Cost-Effectiveness
9:00 AM - 10:46 AM Central
Course Registration
Member: $79.00
Non-Member: $99.00
2 Credits
Event Type(s)
Event Description

In the ever-evolving landscape of business technology, it is about having the right tools and optimizing for efficiency and cost- effectiveness. K2's Optimizing Your Tech Stack for Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness is designed for professionals seeking to balance functionality with financial prudence. This session delves into strategies for streamlining your technology stack without sacrificing performance. We will guide you through assessing your current tech tools, identifying redundancies, and exploring less expensive yet effective alternatives. You will learn techniques to evaluate the total cost of ownership of tech tools and make informed decisions to avoid overspending. This course is necessary for professionals seeking the most value from their technology investments.

Randolph (Randy) P. Johnston
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