This On-Demand subscription includes more than 10 courses from our 2024 Management Conference that cover a wide range of topics related to business and industry. Access begins immediately upon purchase and is available for up to a year after purchase. Please review our Anytime CPE FAQs for more information.
Networking for Success
Boz Bostrom
Tax Update
Jay Heflin & Brian Zerface
How to Handle Difficult Situations
Mike Gregory
Improving Business Partnership Collaboration
âMike Gregory
Effective Virtual Team Leadership
âMike Gregory
Essential Skills for Negotiation
âMike Gregory
Controller/CFO Outlook Update
Jim Lindell
The Art of Financial Storytelling
Jim Lindell
Data & Predictive Analytics, Business Intelligence
Jim Lindell
Accounting Fast and Slow: Thinking About Analysis
Brian Maturi
Driving Performance with Metrics
Brian Maturi
Balance Sheet Management: The Least Understood Risks?
Brian Maturi
Beyond Traditional Budgeting: Reduce Work and Improve Control
Brian Maturi
#1 Mistake Managers Make
Richard Karwic
Staff Retention: Attract and Keep the Best People
Richard Karwic
Accounting Reimagined: The Future of Our Profession
Richard Karwic
Delivering Bad News? Don't be the Messenger Who Gets Shot!
This is a one day virtual event with multiple speakers that will cover multiple topics and trends in business and industry. This series is designed for people who are, or aspire to be, chief financial officers.
Member Price: $299 Non-member Price: $349 *Prices will Increase by $50 on 11/10
8:30 AM - 10:10 AM
A. Ethical Leadership in Accounting and Finance | David Schultz 10:20 AM - 12:00 PM
B. The Richest Life: Lessons in Listening, Goal Setting, and Generosity | V.J. Smith 12:30 PM - 2:20 PM
C. Financial Statement Analysis: Techniques for Obtaining Organizational Insight | Dr. Chris Harper 2:30 PM - 4:10 PM
D. Human Leadership in an AI World | Kassi Rushing